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A pure rice sake made entirely from "Shunyo". The refreshing aroma and refreshing taste of Muscat, which is mistaken for white wine, is derived from rice. You can enjoy the pleasant taste. It has a refreshing taste and is recommended to be paired with dishes that have a light taste or dishes that have a sour taste.


SMV:N/A 、Rice:Shunyo、Polishing Ratio:70%


「春陽(しゅんよう)」を全量使用した純米酒です。 白ワインと間違うようなマスカット様の爽やかな香りとスッキリとした味わいは米由来の香味。 心地良い味わいをお楽しみ頂けます。スッキリとした飲み心地で、淡白な味わいのお料理や、酸味の効いたお料理を合わせるのがおすすめです。

酒度:N/A 、原料米:春陽、精米歩合:70%

Niwanouguisu Shunyo

SKU: 9104158
$63.22 Regular Price
$48.68Sale Price
Tax Included |
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