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Super dry Honjouzo that features a sharp, fresh, rich and full-body palate. This sake is well fermented that it does not taste sweet at all. It's unique taste profile will be truly enjoyed by people who love sake with a very dry finish. The Mutemuka Oni Kara Honjouzo is best served chilled, or with one cube of ice and is recommended to be paired with hot dishes like Yakitori and Karaage, or side dishes like Edamame.




Mutemuka Oni Kara Honjozou

SKU: 9100837
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  • 産地 : 高知 Prefecture :  Koichi
    アルコール度 : 18.5度 Alc :  18.5%
    酒度 : +10 SMV : +10
    味わい : Dry Taste : Dry
    精米歩合 : 70% Polishing :  70%
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