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While retaining the refreshing flavor of unpasteurized sake, over the course of a year, the sake has become milder, with a gentle, soft sweetness and savory flavor. The distinct flavor lingers and stays after a sip. Since it is unpasteurized sake, serving it cold is best recommended but it can also be enjoyed warm. Noticable acidity, therefore the taste is more richer and sharper when serv ed
in warm temperature. Overall, it has a fresh, crisp mellow and slightly sweet with just the right amount of acidity and minerality. These flavors denotes the characteristics of Gifu Hatsushimo rice(Table rice originally from Gifu Prefecture).
SMV:+2.5, Rice: Gifu Hatsushimo, RPR: 60%


酒度:+2.5 、原料米:岐阜ハツシモ、精米歩合: 60%

Hyakujuro Junmai Ginjo Torotoro Muroka Namagenshu

SKU: 9103325
$54.50 Regular Price
$43.60Sale Price
Tax Included |
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