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“Fudo Karakuchi Ginjo Nigori Namagenshu” is a seasonal limited sake brewed using Fusakogane rice (Uruchimai or table rice) grown in Chiba Prefecture. Elegant and refreshing aroma, it has a fresh and thick taste that spreads rich umami and acidity on the drinker’s palate. Flavorful and a lot of character, this Nigori sake is best to pair with wok fried dishes like Yang Zhou Fried Rice, Prawn rice rolls, Shrimp dumplings,etc.
SMV:+7 、 Rice: Fusakogane 、 RPR: 60%


酒度::+7 、原料米: ふさこがね 、精米歩合: 60%

Fudoh Karakuchi Ginjou Nigori Namasake

SKU: 9105648
$65.40 Regular Price
$50.36Sale Price
Tax Included |
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