Bijofu Schwa!! sharp and refreshingly tart tasting sparkling sake that is carbonated by dissolving carbonic acid in ginjo shu sake . its smooth taste is partly due to it being lower in alcohol than most sake . Enjoy this bubbly sake both before and during a meal, not only on the rocks but also with lime or lemon . Be sure to always keep it refrigerated and open it gently and with care so it does not bubble over and spill.
吹きこぼれ 注意 !! 新感覚 の 吟醸酒 乱暴 に 扱 ってしまうと 、 吹 きこぼれて 大半 が 飲 めなくなってしまう 吟醸酒 です 。 その 味 わいはとにかく 爽 やかっ !! おだやかな 香 りとスッキリとした 喉 ごしに 加 え 、 発泡感 がもたらす 爽 やかさは 、 まさに 気分爽快 です 。
Bijofu Ginjo Shuwa!
SKU: 9100809
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