This is a pasteurized aged sake of ``Junmai Ginjo Nama Genshu Yamadaho,'' which was released for a limited time in the spring and was highly rated. ``Hiyaoroshi'' has a sophisticated aroma that does not feel heavy, a delicate taste, and a slightly sharp acidity. It's plump and soft with a nice aftertaste, and you can feel the delicateness in the faint ginko aroma. The moderate richness and ripeness of autumn bring out the original flavor of sake, and if you warm it to human skin, you can experience an even more wonderful expansion.
SMV: N/A 、 Rice Yamadabo 、 Polishing Ratio 55
春期に限定出荷され非常に評価の高かった「純米吟醸生原酒山田穂」の火入れ熟成酒です。 重厚を感じさせない洗練された香りときめ細やかな味わい、ややシャープな酸味の「ひやおろし」です。 ふっくらと柔らかで後味のキレも良く、かすかな吟香に繊細さも感じます。 秋上がりの適度なコクと熟成感が酒本来の旨さをジワリと引き出し、人肌燗にすればさらに見事な拡がりを実感できます。
SMV: N/A 、 Rice :山田穂 、精米歩合: 55
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