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A gentle aroma and a deep, mature flavor.``Junmai Hiyaoroshi'' is a junmai sake that is slowly aged in a cool warehouse over the summer. By the time the dragonflies begin to fly, the sake has matured. Its gentle aroma and deep flavor go well with any dish. Kamotsuru Sake Brewery No. 2 brewer Shigeru Mukuta Brewing
SMV:+3、Rice:Omaci 、Polishing Ratio :65%


穏やかな香り、深い旨味の熟成した味わい「純米ひやおろし」は、涼しい蔵の中で、夏のあいだゆっくりと寝かせた純米酒です。トンボが飛び始めるころ、熟成した酒へと育ちます。穏やかな香りと深みのある味わいは、どんな料理にも寄り添います。賀茂鶴酒造 二号蔵杜氏 椋田茂 醸造
SMV:+3 、 Rice :雄町 100% 、精米歩合: 65%

Kamotsuru Junmai Hiyaoroshi

SKU: 9100444
Tax Included |
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